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Is There an Upper Age Limit for Wisdom Tooth Removal?

August 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentalcarenh @ 6:08 pm
Smiling middle-aged male dental patient

Wisdom tooth extractions are commonly regarded as a rite of passage for young adults. In many cases, when a patient is between the ages of 17 and 25, their dentist will urge them to get their third molars extracted. The procedure can prevent a number of future oral health problems. But what if you are now well past that age range? Is there an upper age limit for wisdom tooth removal? No, there is not. Even if you are in your 30s, 40s, or beyond, you may still be a candidate for this treatment. Continue reading to learn more.

Why Consider Wisdom Tooth Extractions as an Adult?

If you attended regular dental visits in your younger years, and your dentist never recommended wisdom tooth extractions, it was likely because they saw no real reason to perform the procedure. Your wisdom teeth were probably not posing a threat to your oral health, and it did not seem like they would do so anytime in the near future.

Unfortunately, even if your wisdom teeth were perfectly fine when you were younger, that might change as time goes on. Some adults develop infections around their third molars. There is also the chance that cysts will form around them. They could even begin to shift and start to push your other teeth out of alignment. All of these issues are good reasons to consider wisdom tooth removal during adulthood.

Do You Need Wisdom Tooth Extractions?

It is important that you visit your dentist twice a year for a checkup. They can monitor your wisdom teeth and let you know if it ever looks like they might start causing issues for your oral health. Then, you can undergo extractions before any serious problems arise.

You should also be quick to seek care if you ever notice pain, swelling, or other symptoms around your wisdom teeth.

What to Expect with Wisdom Tooth Removal as an Adult

Wisdom tooth extractions are suitable for patients of most ages, from teens to seniors. However, the treatment experience may be somewhat different for fully developed adults than it is for younger individuals.

Human bones tend to harden as time progresses. Therefore, it is likely to be more challenging for your dental team to remove your wisdom teeth now than when you were younger. The procedure might be more invasive, and you could need a longer recovery time.

Do not worry too much about the procedure or the weeks after it. Your dental team will coach you so you can take steps to facilitate your body’s healing process. Most adult patients have a complication-free recovery period.

You are not too old for wisdom tooth extractions! If you believe you need this procedure, consult with your dentist ASAP.

Meet the Practice

The highly skilled team at The Center for Contemporary Dentistry is proud to provide gentle wisdom tooth extractions for both teens and adults. If you believe that your wisdom teeth are posing a threat to your oral health, we would be happy to evaluate the situation and recommend your next steps. Get in touch with our Belmont dental office at 603-556-7047.

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